uncountable set

美 [ʌnˈkaʊntəbl set]英 [ʌnˈkaʊntəbl set]
  • 网络不可数集合;不可数集;不可列
uncountable setuncountable set
  1. Let the parametric space be an uncountable set .


  2. Theorem 2.2.6 . There exists a docile right-translation homeomorphism f_a from I ~ 2 × I ~ 2 to itself such that f_a have a 1 & scrambled set with cardinality a but has no uncountable scrambled set .


  3. In this paper , the authors discuss the shift of the one-sided symbolic space and prove that there exists an uncountable SS chaotic set , in which each point is recurrent , but is not weakly almost periodic .
